Spider Identification & Prevention
Spiders in Georgia
Finding spiders in your home may not seems like a big deal, but it can be, depending on the species you are dealing with and why they are there. Keep reading so we can tell you about the kinds of spiders you should watch for and what attracts them to your home.
Frequently Asked Questions About Spiders
Have questions? We are here to help. Still have questions or can't find the answer you need? Give us a call at 938-253-2093 today!
What are spiders?
You're probably already familiar with spiders and their eight legs, but you may not know about three specific species in our area.
- Black widow spiders: Shiny black body with a reddish-orange hourglass marking
- Brown recluse spiders: Light to dark brown with a darker violin marking on the back
- Joro spiders: Various colors like gray and yellow bodies with red markings on the abdomen
Understanding how to distinguish between species is essential in case of a bite, as you will learn below. A local home pest control professional can help you identify and control spiders in or near your home.
Are spiders dangerous?
Although many people believe all spiders are dangerous, this isn't the case. There are only two medically dangerous species in the United States, the black widow, and the brown recluse. Unfortunately, both of these species live in our area, but the good news is they don't attack people just for the sake of attacking, and bites are rarely fatal.
In general, spiders use their fangs and venom to catch and subdue prey and protect themselves. So unless you bother one of these pests, they should leave you alone. If bitten by a black widow or brown recluse, it's important to seek medical attention. Also, keep in mind that some people are allergic to spider venom, so even a bite from a Joro spider can cause a reaction.
Why do I have a spider problem?The most common reason people experience spider problems is that there are other underlying pest issues. Spiders are predators that feed on other insects, so if there are high populations of insects living on your property, then there is a good chance they will attract spiders.
Where will I find spiders?The most common places to find spiders inside are under furniture, window frames, corners of rooms, and closets. They will also gravitate toward lightly-trafficked areas like the garage, basement, and attic as these places often have prey pests and provide quiet hiding spots.
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